Deep Submergence Vehicle

A Deep Sea Submergence Vehicle (DSV) is a deep diving manned submarine that is self-propelled. The term DSV is generally one used by the United States Navy, though several navies operate vehicles that can be accurately described as DSVs. DSVs are commonly divided into two types: research DSVs, which are used for exploration and surveying, and DSRVs (Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle), which can be used for rescuing the crew of a sunken submarine and/or clandestine (espionage) missions (primarily installing wiretaps on undersea cables). DSRV type vessels are equipped with docking chambers to allow personnel ingress/egress via a manhole.

The real-life feasibility of any DSRV-based rescue attempt is hotly debated, because the few available docking chambers of a stricken submarine may be flooded, trapping the sailors still alive in other dry compartments. Because of these difficulties, the use of integrated crew escape capsules and/or detachable conning tower has gained favour in military submarine design during the last two decades and most DSRV are now primarily relegated to clandestine missions and undersea military equipment maintenance, if at all. The rapid development of safe, cost-saving ROV technology has also rendered some DSV vessels obsolete.

Strictly speaking bathyscaphes are not submarines because they have minimal mobility and are built like a balloon, using a habitable spherical pressure vessel hung under a liquid hydrocarbon filled float drum. In a DSV/DSRV type vehicle the passenger compartment and the ballast tank functionality is incorporated into a single structure to afford more habitable space (up to 24 people in the case of a DSRV rescue vehicle).

Most DSV/DSRV vehicles are powered by traditional electric battery propulsion and have very limited endurance. Plans have been made to equip DSVs with LOX Stirling engines but none have been realized so far, due to cost and maintenance considerations. All DSV vehicles are dependent upon a surface support ship or a mother submarine, that can piggyback or tow them (in case of the NR-1) to the scene of operations. Some DSRV vessels are air transportable in very large military cargo planes to speed up deployment in case of emergency rescue missions.


List of Deep Submergence Vehicles

Trieste class bathyscaphe

Alvin class submarine

Alvin, owned by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) is operated under agreement by the National Deep Submergence Facility at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), where it conducts science oriented missions funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and ONR. Alvin has a maximum depth capability of 4500 meters and operates from R/V Atlantis, an AGOR-23 class vessel owned by the ONR and operated by WHOI under a charter party agreement. The NSF has committed to the construction of a replacement sub with enhanced capabilities and 6500 meter depth capability to replace Alvin, which will be retired upon its completion.

Nerwin class DSVN







Pisces class DSV

Pisces class DSVs are three person research submersibles built by International Hydrodynamics of Vancouver in British Columbia with a maximum operating depth of 2,000 m (6,560 ft) capable of dive durations of 7 to 10 hours. A total of 10 were built and are representative of late 1960s deep ocean submersible design. 2 are currently operated by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the first production vehicle is on display in Vancouver.

Sea Pole class bathyscaphe

Bathyscaphe series designed by the People's Republic of China, and there are three derivatives known to exist by 2010:

other DSV bathyscaphes

Deepest explorers

  1. Bathyscaphe Trieste - 11,000 m
  2. DSV Shinkai 6500 - 6,500 m
  3. Konsul - 6,500 m
  4. MIR - 6,000 m
  5. Nautile - 6,000 m
  6. Jiaolong - 5,000 m[12]
  7. DSV Alvin - 4,500 m


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